Saturday, July 7, 2007


I was going through old photographs that Kuttenmama has preserved so carefully and meticulously. I cannot tell you the number of photos he has got.He has shelves full of them at home and at the office. Photos taken of various functions that we have conducted, attended ,were invited to, somehow slipped into the periphery, or in other unsuspecting ways were victims of camera mania. Now I am not a big fan of fotos, not just because I am not photgenic and I never come out well in any of them,but also because I dont like the amount of time and money spent on taking photos of people from different angles which then gathers dust in some corner of the house.I do enjoy seeing well taken portraits of say an Aishwarya Rai or a Sreedevi.

But I object to having photos of random people eating,staring hopefully at the camera,or doing things that, if they knew would be captured for posterity by a trigger happy person, they would never have done.

I object to seeing wedding photos, annniversary fotos, birthday fotos, office or workplace function fotos of people I do not know and will probably never meet.

I object to having wedding albums that weigh a ton thrust at me where I have to dutifully turn pages and comment on people I know nothing about.

If I looked like Aishwarya or photographed like her perhaps I would change my mind!!!!


Meera said...

i wish i looked like aishwarya rai too...
but i love those snaps none the less..they are a valuable record of the times..rememer the one where we found a pic of a lady relative smoking? probably in the seventies? cant remember her name..and in any case id better not say more..

saras said...

you"re the second person who has said that they loved the fotos.. let me clarigfy that what I object to is the number of them we have .. and which lady relative is that? oh I think I know .. its a friend.